Author: Reporter

Transgender seniors worry about finding welcoming spaces to live in their retirement years

Rajee Narinesingh faced struggles throughout her life as a transgender woman, from workplace discrimination to the lasting effects of black market injections that scarred her face and caused chronic infections. In spite of the roadblocks, the 56-year-old Florida actress and activist has seen growing acceptance since she first came out decades ago. “If you see older transgender people, it shows the younger community that it’s possible I can have a life. I can live to an older age,” she said. “So I think that’s a very important thing.” Now, as a wave of new state laws enacted this year...

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Pope Francis opens Vatican meeting on future of the Catholic Church with push to include women’s voices

A few years ago, Pope Francis told the head of the main Vatican-backed Catholic women’s organization to be “brave” in pushing for change for women in the Catholic Church. Maria Lia Zervino took his advice and in 2021 wrote Francis a letter, then made it public, saying flat out that the Catholic Church owed a big debt to half of humanity and that women deserved to be at the table where church decisions are made, not as mere “ornaments” but as protagonists. Francis appears to have taken note, and this week he will open a global gathering of Catholic...

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Hamas stuns Israel with unprecedented surprise attack out of Gaza Strip that has left hundreds dead

GRAPHIC PHOTO WARNING: This gallery contains news images from war that some viewers may find disturbing. Backed by a barrage of rockets, dozens of Hamas militants broke out of the blockaded Gaza Strip and into nearby Israeli towns, killing dozens and abducting others in an unprecedented surprise early morning attack during a major Jewish holiday on October 7. In an assault of startling breadth, Hamas gunmen rolled into as many as 22 locations outside the Gaza Strip, including towns and other communities as far as 15 miles from the Gaza border. In some places, they roamed for hours, gunning...

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Federal New Deal-style Climate Corps seeks to become a major green jobs training program for young adults

After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps that will serve as a major green jobs training program. In an announcement in September, the White House said the program will employ more than 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels and do other work to boost conservation and help prevent catastrophic wildfires. The climate corps had been proposed in early versions of the sweeping climate law approved last year but was jettisoned amid strong opposition from Republicans and concerns about...

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Gold and Glory: Understanding how the annual Nobel Prizes push international peace above politics

Fall has arrived in Scandinavia, which means Nobel Prize season is here. The start of October is when the Nobel committees get together in Stockholm and Oslo to announce the winners of the yearly awards. First up, as usual, is the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology, which was awarded on October 2 to two scientists for discoveries that enabled the development of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. The prizes in physics, chemistry, literature, peace, and economics will follow, with one announcement every weekday until October 9. Here are some things to know about the Nobel Prizes: AN IDEA MORE...

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Cutting corners on public health: EPA plans to delay new air quality standards until after 2024 election

The Environmental Protection Agency is delaying plans to tighten air quality standards for ground-level ozone, better known as smog, despite a recommendation by a scientific advisory panel to lower air pollution limits to protect public health. The decision by EPA Administrator Michael Regan means that one of the agency’s most important air quality regulations will not be updated until well after the 2024 presidential election. “I have decided that the best path forward is to initiate a new statutory review of the ozone (standard) and the underlying air quality criteria,” Regan wrote in a letter to the EPA advisory...

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