Author: Reporter

Now and Then: AI tech assists in production of last new Beatles song with John, Paul, George, and Ringo

The final Beatles recording is here. Titled “Now and Then,” the almost impossible-to-believe track is four minutes and eight seconds of the first and only original Beatles recording of the 21st century. There is a countdown, then acoustic guitar strumming and piano bleed into the unmistakable vocal tone of John Lennon in the song’s introduction: “I know it’s true / It’s all because of you / And if I make it through / It’s all because of you.” More than four decades since Lennon’s murder and two since George Harrison’s death, the very last Beatles song has been released...

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U.N. reports more than 40% of Ukrainians need humanitarian help under horrendous war conditions

Russian strikes are inflicting unimaginable suffering on the people of Ukraine and more than 40% of them need humanitarian assistance, a senior U.N. official told the U.N. Security Council on October 31. Ramesh Rajasingham, director of coordination in the U.N. humanitarian office, said thousands of civilians have been killed in strikes on homes, schools, fields and markets since Russia’s invasion in February 20022. The U.N. human rights office has formally verified 9,900 civilians killed, but he said “the actual number is certainly higher.” Ukrainian civilians are suffering “horrendous humanitarian consequences” and “unimaginable levels of suffering” from the Russian strikes,...

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Ukrainian faith leaders tour U.S. with plea for continued support against brutal Russian invasion

Like other Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy in a delegation of Ukrainian interfaith leaders visiting the United States, Bishop Ivan Rusyn has a succinct message: “Please, hear our cry.” The deputy senior bishop of the Ukrainian Evangelical Church, a Protestant denomination, said that since the February 2022 Russian invasion, some of his church’s pastors have been killed, and its seminary has been attacked by missiles. In Russian-occupied areas, he said, the church has been forced underground. “To make it short, it has been hell” in occupied areas, Rusyn said during a visit on October 30 by a delegation of...

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China keeps up military pressure on Taiwan with intention to break morale and exhaust resources

Taiwan said on November 1 that China sent 43 military aircraft and seven ships near the self-ruled island, the latest sign that Beijing plans no let-up in its campaign of harassment, threats, and intimidation. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said the figure was current for the 24 hours up to 6:00 a.m. on November 1 and that 37 of the aircraft had crossed the median line in the Taiwan Strait, which China no longer recognizes as an informal divider between the sides. It said Taiwan had monitored the situation, scrambled jet fighters, dispatched ships and activated land-based missile systems, all standard...

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Israeli ground troops advance on Gaza City as diplomacy intensifies to pause fighting and ease siege

Israeli troops advanced toward Gaza City on November 2, as the Palestinian death toll rose above 9,000. With no end in sight after weeks of heavy fighting, U.S. and Arab mediators intensified efforts to ease Israel’s siege of the Hamas-ruled enclave and called for at least a brief halt to the hostilities in order to aid civilians. President Joe Biden suggested a humanitarian “pause” the day before, as an apparent agreement among the U.S., Egypt, Israel and Qatar, which mediates with Hamas, allowed hundreds of Palestinians with foreign passports and dozens of wounded to leave Gaza for the first...

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Why some traumatized Israeli journalists are taking sides over the narrative they communicate

When 85-year-old Israeli woman Yocheved Lifshitz was released from Hamas captivity in mid-October, she was warmly welcomed home. Then she began to speak. Addressing reporters from a wheelchair at a hospital, Lifshitz described a harrowing experience in Hamas captivity but also said she had been fairly treated. Israeli media instantly seized on that nuanced portrayal as a blow to the country’s messaging that Hamas are savages. A flurry of op-eds, social media posts and on-air discussion by Israeli journalists counseled Israeli officials how to manage further hostage releases to ensure Israel’s narrative was being effectively communicated. The episode brought...

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