Author: Op-Ed

Poisoned Philanthropy: The dangers of becoming the “white moderate” that MLK warned us about

I have been thinking of George Floyd’s brutal murder by the police and of the protests happening in Minneapolis, nationwide, and globally. I am at a loss on what to do and how to support our Black friends and colleagues, and family members who have constantly suffered under the pervasive violence of white supremacy and racism. I don’t know what to say. I don’t have any encouraging words for you at this moment. I am just angry and sad. And to be honest, I am also frustrated by the nonprofit sector. I love our field and the people in...

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Zeynab Ali: If you weren’t black, maybe you’d still be alive

“The systemic targeting of and use of unnecessary force against people of color is woven into the fabric of our law enforcement institutions and stems from the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow in this country.” – John Gordon, Minnesota ACLU Director Protests over the death of George Floyd go into their eighth day. Cities across America enforced curfews deployed both national guard and police in heavily armed gears to control protesters. Floyd, a Black man, was killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25th. A video captured by onlookers showed a White cop kneeling on Floyd’s neck...

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Jack Davidson: An open letter to Milwaukee law enforcement on the “kettling” of peaceful protesters

Thugs. Bullies. Weasels. Morons. Cowards. This is an open letter to “the Police.” Specifically the Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department, and Wisconsin National Guard, regarding the “kettling” of protesters on Tuesday morning, June 2, but also to police in general regarding how we deal with civil unrest. I’m going to take some heat for this, and it has some harsh words, but I think I have to send it. Please read. Share if you like. Don’t shoot. My name is Jack Davidson. I am a 54-year-old white male resident of Milwaukee. I’m self-employed, I own a house,...

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Milwaukee reflects America’s failed proxy war to fight racism and inspire social justice

The United States fought a costly proxy war against Russia and China in the small country of Vietnam. It cost billions of dollars, erased a generation, and left scars upon our national soul. One of the objectives of that conflict was to win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people. A similar and equally failed proxy war has also been fought in America for the past half century. And for all the billions of dollars spent, lives lost and damage done, we have not won the hearts and minds of our own people either. All the social programs...

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Reimagining public safety by spending more for people and less on police budget will actually decrease crime

The City of Milwaukee is facing a series of crises seemingly at odds with each other. On one hand, Milwaukee has helped fuel mass incarceration as much as, if not more than, many other cities in the country, and wants to do its part to end it. On the other hand, the primary way that we currently create safety is to send people to jail. The common thought is that if we lock less people up then there will be less safety. How are we to end mass incarceration? In another series of conflicting crises, the city’s police budget...

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Medical Redlining: North side coalition renews call for health equity at St. Joseph Hospital

Almost one year ago, Ascension, the largest non-profit health system in the United States, announced its plan to greatly reduce the services offered at St. Joseph Hospital. St. Joe’s is the only remaining general hospital on Milwaukee’s North Side. Many of us in the community saw this as the first step toward closing the hospital. There was good reason to be worried, because Ascension has done the same to hospitals in cities around the country: first claim that the hospital is no longer needed to meet patient demand, then reduce services, finally shut it down. Ascension very recently pushed...

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