Author: Lee Matz

Photo Essay: Arena district’s medical expansion

The Milwaukee Bucks and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin plan to develop two new health-oriented facilities within the new downtown Milwaukee arena district, a sports science center and community health facility, that will provide much-needed access to healthcare services for residents of the surrounding neighborhoods.

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Reunion of Bill Camplin’s Cardboard Box album celebrates 40 years of friendship

The original members who performed on the album Cardboard Box, Bill Camplin, Bob Mueller, Jamie Sheldon, Robert Knetzger, and Jason Klagstad, reunited at Ebbott’s Barn on August 14 for a private concert that celebrated their 40 year legacy of friendship and music. Bill Camplin is arguably the father of the Wisconsin folk scene as well as mentor to scores of young singers, songwriters, and music artists coming up through the ranks. Camplin’s live music club, Cafe Carpe, is located in Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin. Artists such as Peter Mulvey, Willy Porter, Paul Cebar and others call the venue home. Camplin...

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Victims of largest act of terrorism in Milwaukee largely forgotten by public

Honoring them begins by remembering their names. Suveg Singh Khattra, Satwant Singh Kaleka, Ranjit Singh, Sita Singh, Paramjit Kaur, and Prakash Singh all lost their lives at worship on a summer day in 2012. Their names are not easy for the average person from the Midwest to pronounce. But each individual was part of the fabric and family of the Milwaukee community. In memorial of these six members who died in the 2012 Sikh Temple of Wisconsin mass shooting, the fourth annual Chardhi Kala 6K Run/Walk was held on July 6 around the Oak Creek High School’s track &...

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