Author: Lee Matz

Janine Sijan Rozina: A story not of war but the spirit of love

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton The impact of America’s involvement in Vietnam reached beyond the combatants who fought in the Southeast Asian conflict, and touched the lives of families back home. In Milwaukee, Sylvester and Jane Sijan felt the echoes of the war for the decades that followed, over the loss of their son Lance. While on a mission over Laos on November 9, 1967, Captain Lance P. Sijan ejected from his disabled McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom jet near...

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Photo Essay: Preview of Sijan Plaza and memorials of honor

These photos feature the memorials to Lance Sijan around the county, and Sijan Plaza prior to its official dedication ceremony on May 26. The new Milwaukee landmark, remembering to all who have served their country, stands as a reminder that within each person is the spirit and ability to survive any hardship and to never quit.

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