Author: Lee Matz

Edward Bonekemper: Debunking the big lie about Civil War history

While history books call the sIаughtеr that occurred from 1861 to 1865 the “American Civil War,” it is often referred to as the “War to Preserve the Union,” the “War of the Southern Rebellion,” the “War to Make Men Free,” the “War Between the States,” or the “War of Northern Aggression,” depending on the region of the country. What it is not called, but goes to the truth of the conflict, is the “Confederate War for the Preservation of Slavery.” The greatest accomplishment of the Civil War for the Southern soldier was rewriting the account of their loss, a...

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Photo Essay: MPS rolls out red carpet on first day of school

Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) welcomed back students to more than 100 elementary schools on September 5, to begin the traditional start calendar for the 2017-18 school year. Although students in high schools, middle schools, and a few elementary schools had already started classes on August 14, the official district celebration took place at Walt Whitman Elementary School. Along with MPS Superintendent Darienne Driver, others who welcomed students included Governor Scott Walker, Department of Public Instruction Superintendent Tony Evers, State Senator David Craig, Alderman Mark Borkowski, MPS School Board Director Paula Phillips, and other community partners. Students were greeted by...

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Photo Essay: Labor Day Parade highlights many work and wage issues

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, but the low-key modern holiday got its start more than one hundred years ago after a blооdy Pullman strike. The nationwide 1894 Pullman Strike was a turning point for labor law. It shut down much of the country’s rail system, and was only brought to an end when President Grover Cleveland deployed federal troops. President Cleveland signed the Labor Day holiday into law mere days later. Milwaukee’s first unions started almost a half century earlier in 1847, with bricklayer and a year later for carpenters. Laborfest 2017 and its annual parade...

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Buslr combines MCTS and Bublr ride payments into single card

The new Busler card incorporates technology from the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) and Bublr Bikes to improves ridership access and convenience across Milwaukee County. The Buslr Card is high-tech in a small format, allowing people to ride MCTS buses and Bublr Bikes by using only a single card. MCTS and Bublr found a simple way around the incompatible technology used in the M•CARD, the electronic smartcard people use pay their bus fare, and the Bublr fob which allows bikes to be checked-out from their station. Bublr developed an adhesive laminate with an embedded chip that works on their...

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Walking in the footsteps of history for 200 Nights of Freedom

The March On Milwaukee 50th Coordinating Committee hosted the “200 Nights of Freedom Kickoff” in the City Hall Rotunda on August 28, commemorating the anniversary of Milwaukee’s Fair Housing Marches. A crowd of hundreds attended the event, including more than a dozen original 1967 marchers. In memorial, a role call of names was read for those who had participated in Milwaukee’s contribution to the Civil Rights movement. It was also a chance to publicly pass the torch to a new generation to continue the struggle for justice. “I was 16 at the time, and of course marching in these...

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Vessels decorated with light sail in inaugural Venetian Boat Parade

The McKinley Boat Owners Association (McBOAT) and the Milwaukee Community Sailing Center (MCSS) hosted the city’s first Venetian Boat Parade in the McKinley Marina channel on August 19. Along with a City of Milwaukee Fire boat and Police boat escort, 14 vessels clad extensively in themed lighting took part in the inaugural sailing festival. The decorations and complexity of illuminations were multiplied by the mirror-like water at night. Presented along with support from the Milwaukee County Parks, the idea for the free parade was to entertain Milwaukee residents with a pageant of light and raise funds for the Milwaukee...

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