Author: Correspondent

Last branch of U.S. military initiates involuntary discharge of solders who refuse COVID-19 vaccination

The United States Army announced on February 2 that it would immediately begin separating Soldiers from the service who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Under a directive issued by Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth, commanders were to initiate involuntary administrative separation proceedings against any Soldier who had refused the COVID-19 vaccination order, or did not have an approved or pending exemption request. The order applied to regular Army Soldiers, reserve-component Soldiers serving on Title 10 active-duty, and cadets. “Army readiness depends on Soldiers who are prepared to train, deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars,” said Secretary...

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Indefinitely Confined: Critics call out Kleefisch’s hypocrisy on voting method in 2020 election

It was publicly revealed recently that Rebecca Kleefisch, a Republican and Wisconsin Gubernatorial candidate, labeled herself as indefinitely confined in March 2020, just before the April presidential primary and general election for State Supreme Court. On March 27, 2020 the bipartisan Wisconsin Election Commission issued a guidance on indefinitely confined voting in light of the “Safer at Home” Emergency Order by current Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. It was a health measure that Republicans uniformly rallied against and even took to the State Supreme Court in December of 2020. “The fact that Kleefisch marked herself as indefinitely confined and yet...

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PixelSmiths: New podcast series features stories about the creative minds behind indie video games

The Milwaukee-based podcast production agency Podcamp Media recently announced the introduction of a new title to its lineup of original podcasts, featuring the stories from the creative minds who develop indie video games. PixelSmiths combines the expertise of South Korea-based eSports commentator Clinton “Paperthin” Bader with the passion of Midwest gamer and podcast producer Larry Kilgore III, PixelSmiths is a fun, entertaining platform for celebrating the indie video game developers who create some of the best titles on the market. “In the professional eSports industry, most of the buzz is around the games themselves or the best players and...

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John Suess: Collection of paintings by retired Milwaukee librarian on display at public library

A collection of visual works by local artist and retired librarian, John Suess, has been on display at the Greenfield Public Library. Suess works primarily in acrylics and occasionally oils, and describes his style as impressionist, tonalism and color field, with some realism. His favorite subjects are landscapes, especially local scenery. “I find my inspiration outdoors. While working in my garden, playing golf, or taking a walk or drive, I will often be captivated by the beauty of nature and stop to capture it with my camera. Then, I’ll make it come back to life on canvas,” Suess said....

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Exhibit of J.R.R. Tolkien’s manuscripts for “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” coming to Milwaukee

The Haggerty Museum of Art and Raynor Memorial Libraries at Marquette University recently announced a collaborative exhibition for the public, featuring items from the beloved creator of Middle-earth in “J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript.” The exhibition will feature the original manuscripts created by Tolkien for his literary classics “The Hobbit,” “The Lord of the Rings,” and other works. Ticket sales begin on National J.R.R. Tolkien Day – January 3, a celebration of the author’s birth. On view at the Haggerty Museum of Art August 19 through December 12, the exhibition derives from a partnership between the Museum,...

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FlexRide Milwaukee: MCTS begins on-demand transit service to connect workers with distant jobs

City of Milwaukee residents have a new way to get to jobs in the northwest suburbs, and employers have a new way to attract and retain workers, with FlexRide Milwaukee. FlexRide Milwaukee launches in early February, with riders picked up from one of five stops served by the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) in and around Milwaukee’s north and northwest sides and dropped off at any employer within the Menomonee Falls and Butler service areas. Riders, who must be at least 18 years old, City of Milwaukee residents, and working or willing to work within the service areas, can...

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