Author: Editor

Stewards of Cream City’s musical journey

Cream City Music is an owner operated, world class guitar shop located at the edge of Milwaukee. As a destination for all things guitar, the shop attracts enthusiasts of every level from all over the world. The Milwaukee Independent recently sat down with the shop’s leadership Ben Derickson, John Majdalani, and Brian Douglas, to talk about guitars and the personal passion behind their instruments. | Q&A with Cream City Music Milwaukee Independent: How is music a part of your life, and what does it mean to you? John Majdalani: It is a huge part of my life. It is...

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Research Vessel Neeskay: A vital tool for Great Lakes study

The Great Lakes is a living laboratory, and the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences operates the only research vessel that continuously explores the inland seas. The R/V (Research Vessel) Neeskay derived its name from the Ho-Chunk language, a Wisconsin Native American tribe, and translates as “pure, clean water.” Greg Stamatelakys has been its caption for 22 seasons. He got the sailing bug from the experience on his father’s fishing boat, which led to his enlistment in the Navy and a livelong career on the water. Originally the Neeskay was a T-boat, a small cargo vessel for the military. The...

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Dr. Eve Hall seeks to renew, revisit, and reengage Urban League

BMO Harris Bank hosted a Meet & Greet event for Dr. Eve Hall, the new President and CEO of the Milwaukee Urban League, on March 16. Since taking on her leadership role in January, Dr. Hall has been enhancing the purpose and fine tuning the mission of the nearly century-old organization. As a result, the Milwaukee Urban League (MUL) is directing its focus to “revisit, renew, and reengage” both internally and within the communities it serves. “We can’t do business as usual, we cannot survive on our brand, we can only survive on impact and results, and when we...

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PBS offers free access to Brad Lichtenstein’s film about Janesville

A Milwaukee filmmaker’s documentary about the economic strife in U.S. Representative Paul Ryan’s hometown remains a relevant reference to the current health care debate. For a limited time, the Public Broadcast System (PBS) will allow free online streaming of As Goes Janesville. The full film can be viewed until March 19, and rented after that. The feature follows the closure of the General Motors (GM) factory in Janesville, Wisconsin and the financial crisis faced by the people in that community. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Brad Lichtenstein, the documentary recorded two years in the lives of laid-off workers, business leaders,...

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Milwaukee Independent named finalist for two Press Club awards

The Milwaukee Press Club announced on March 14 the finalists in the 87th Annual MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism competition. The awards competition was open to work published, broadcast, or posted online in Wisconsin during the year ending December 31, 2016. The Milwaukee Press Club is the oldest continuously operating press club in North America. Since 1885, the Milwaukee Press Club has provided professional development and camaraderie to members of the press community from around the city and across the state of Wisconsin. The Milwaukee Independent was recognized for its transformative journalism in two awards categories for...

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Anja Notanja Sieger: Like life, typewriters have no undo button

As a creative free-spirit who is loathe to be categorized for her artistic talent, Anja Notanja Sieger is best known for her poetry, storytelling, and performance therapy. With a passion for typewriters, the archaic machines symbolize her drive to create messages without the safety of an undo button, and her articulate fascination with the minutia of daily life brings an unacknowledged reality to light for the Milwaukee community. Editor’s Note: This is the first illustrated interview produced by the Milwaukee Independent, because the innovative approach reflects the personality and work of Anja Notanja Sieger. Video segments were also produced for this feature....

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