Author: Editor

CONNECT 1: Ribbon cutting ceremony inaugurates Milwaukee County’s new transit era with BRT Line

Milwaukee County celebrated the inauguration of its CONNECT 1 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line on June 5, at an official ribbon cutting ceremony almost two years to the day from when the groundbreaking ceremony kicked off its construction. The special event took place at the northeast corner of Wisconsin Avenue and 27th Street, the intersection with the highest traffic density in the city. Speakers highlighted the collaborative efforts that made the BRT line a reality. “CONNECT 1 is a product of collaboration and support of many advocates and stakeholders,” said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. “This project really hits...

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A Field of Flags 2023: Milwaukee’s War Memorial Center honors fallen soldiers with 15,015 U.S. flags

A special Memorial Day tribute took place on May 29 at Milwaukee’s Veterans Park, where the Milwaukee War Memorial Center hosted its 4th Annual Field of Flags. This year the event featured 15,015 U.S. flags, each representing a Wisconsinite who was killed in action (KIA) since World War I. The ceremony also commemorated the 50th anniversary of the return of Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIA) from North Vietnam prisons. The idea behind the Field of Flags serves as a visual reminder of the sacrifices made by servicemen and women. Since it began in 2020,...

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Milwaukee Independent earns 3 of its 11 Gridiron Awards for first-hand reporting of Ukraine War

The Milwaukee Independent earned eleven top distinctions on May 12 from the Milwaukee Press Club for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism, during the 2023 Gridiron Awards at the Pfister Hotel. The journalism honors follow multiple years of double-digit recognition for the daily news magazine, in competition against all major media outlets in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin. The Milwaukee Press Club (MPC) Awards are highly prestigious, and even winning a handful of them would be considered a remarkable achievement. Founded in 1885, the Milwaukee Press Club is the oldest continuously operating press club in North America. The recognition of so many...

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Floral Reflections: Pabst Mansion showcases the ancient Japanese art of Ikebana for a second year

The Pabst Mansion hosted an original cultural exhibition of the ancient art of Japanese floral arrangements for a second year, from April 28 to May 1, in partnership with Ikebana International Milwaukee Chapter 22. “Floral Reflections: Ikebana at the Pabst Mansion” featured more than twenty flora displays by a dozen artisans, positioned throughout the historic mansion. Literally meaning “giving life to flowers,” ikebana (生け花) seeks to bring nature and humanity closer together. “What excites me most about this year’s event is that the exhibition is in its second year,” said Jocelyn Slocum, Director of Operations & Curatorial Affairs at...

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Vel R. Phillips Plaza: Milwaukee approves resolution to create a public space named in honor of iconic leader

Mayor Cavalier Johnson signed Common Council file #221817, a resolution approving the funding for the construction of a new public plaza to be named in honor of Milwaukee politician, attorney, jurist, and civil rights activist, Vel R. Phillips. Mayor Johnson was joined by members of the Milwaukee Common Council, Phillips’ son Michael Phillips, and local leaders and stakeholders. “The City of Milwaukee has been working very closely with the Philips family to ensure the future Vel R. Phillips Plaza respects and honors her legacy. Named in recognition of the iconic political activist and civil rights leader, the site will...

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Ithaka: Family-focused documentary about the fight for Julian Assange’s freedom premieres in Milwaukee

The historic Oriental Theatre in Milwaukee held a special screening on April 8 of the documentary “Ithaka,” a powerful film that presents the public with an immersive look into a father’s fight to save his son and political prisoner, Julian Assange. Assange, an Australian journalist, founded WikiLeaks in 2006 as a platform dedicated to publishing secret documents from anonymous sources. In 2010, he became the center of the “Cablegate” media storm after his organization released a massive trove of 251,000 classified documents containing diplomatic cables and military reports from Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the most sensitive and shocking...

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