Author: Editor

Photo Essay: Inside the transformation of the Historic Garfield Apartments

The Historic Garfield Apartments will celebrate its Grand Opening on October 26, closing a chapter on a half year of remodeling as the second phase of development continues at North Avenue and 4th Street. The public is invited to attend the newest residential apartments in the Bronzeville commercial corridor, with an art house party at 2215 N. 4th Street. The festivities reflect a long intended hope for the rebirth of the Bronzeville Art and Entertainment District, which the housing projects begin to fulfill. Christopher McIntyre Perceptions and Dasha Kelly will give performances at the event, along with a display...

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Retired Milwaukee political cartoonist blasts Trump over his compulsive lying

Bill Sanders was stationed in South Korea while serving in the U.S. Army, as the commanding officer of the Pacific Stars and Stripes Army Unit in Seoul (1955–1957). After he was discharged, he stayed in Japan and worked as a Department of the Army civilian reporter-artist for Pacific Stars and Stripes in Tokyo (1957–1958). He went on to illustrate political cartoons for The Japan Times, and Greensboro Daily News with a national syndication. The Milwaukee Journal hired Sanders in 1967, when it was a crusading newspaper that would often feature his political drawings on the front page. He ended...

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LEGO honors Women of NASA with mini-figure set of STEM professions

The LEGO Group presented the final design and launch date for the Women of NASA LEGO set, featuring Nancy Grace Roman, Margaret Hamilton, Sally Ride, and Mae Jemison. Under the headline “Ladies rock outer space”, LEGO fan designer Maia Weinstock presented her idea for a Women of NASA LEGO set to the LEGO Ideas crowdsourcing platform in 2016. It gained a lot of support from other fans and was selected for production for its inspirational value, and build and play experience. As a science editor and writer, with a strong personal interest for space exploration as well as the...

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Milwaukee Independent among achievement winners honored by Downtown BID

Milwaukee Downtown (BID #21) recognized the Milwaukee Independent with a special award during its Downtown Achievement Awards program, held as part of its 2017 annual meeting on September 28. Over 250 downtown stakeholders gathered to hear accomplishments and upcoming initiatives, as well as celebrate the BID’s 20th year of operation. The program began with the organization’s 20-year highlights followed by the awards ceremony. Catalytic projects and downtown leaders were honored for their contributions to the central business district. Representatives from the downtown community were asked by staff and the Executive Committee to nominate the 2017 Downtown Achievement Award winners....

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Care packages mailed to families in devastated Puerto Rico sit in Oak Creek

Milwaukee’s large Puerto Rican community has been struggling to reach family and send help, facing a lack of information and impaired public services. There is still no power on the island after nearly two weeks, with the exception of generators. The initial recovery response from the US federal government has been lackluster, but is moving forward. In the meantime, local Milwaukee families have tried to mail essential items to their loved ones and relationships in Puerto Rico. A powerful Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds made direct landfall on Puerto Rico, bisecting the entire island and drenching it...

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Reggie Jackson and Jesús Salas honored with 2017 Frank P. Zeidler Award

Reggie Jackson and Jesús Salas were the 2017 recipients of the Frank P. Zeidler Public Service Award, and both men were honored at a special ceremony in the Council Chamber Anteroom of Milwaukee City Hall on September 26. Reggie Jackson is a public speaker and writer concerning equal rights and Black history, as well as Chief Griot and leader at the America’s Black Holocaust Museum. Jesús Salas is a life-long migrant workers activist, educator, and a former member of the UW-Board of Regents. “The Committee’s decision recognizes these two outstanding leaders, coming from different segments of our community, who...

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