Author: Editor

Denis Sullivan offers lakefront seats at Discovery World for Summerfest’s Big Bang

The World’s Largest Music Festival kicked off its 2018 opening day on June 27, attracting tens of thousands of visitors to watch the annual fireworks show in spite of snarling traffic made worse due to a poorly timed Presidential visit. No tickets were required to watch the Big Bang fireworks along the Lakefront, but choice vantage points were in high demand. With its direct proximity to Henry Maier Festival Park and Lakeshore State Park, Discovery World again offered front row seats to Summerfest’s explosive display. Prior to the fireworks, the Sailing Vessel (S/V) Denis Sullivan hosted a special trip...

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March For Our Lives: Road to Change Tour brings Parkland and Milwaukee students together

“My Mom’s name was Joyce. Do any of you know if she was Republican or Democrat? Neither do I, she died before I was old enough to speak. The bullet that exploded her head did not care either. The bullet that shot and kiIIed 10-year-old Sierra Guyton didn’t care if she would grow up to be a Republican or a Democrat. A bullet does not care. It is the one thing that we can think of that as apolitical. Your zip code doesn’t shield you from gun viоIеncе.” – Khary Penebaker Survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass...

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Milwaukee faces moral crisis as voices share the heartbreak of Trump’s immigration policy

The immigrant rights group Voces de la Fontera held a rally in Milwaukee on June 21 in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order on family separation at the border with Mexico. The group believes that the President’s order does not go far enough or stop the currently abusive policy. In many cases, family members from countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras are trying to reunite with their families in Wisconsin and flee the violence in their in their country. “This executive order does nothing to address the moral crisis that is happening right now., it actually continues...

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Rally at Homeland Security office seeks end to indefinite imprisonment of families

On June 21, hundreds of immigrant community members and supporters rallied outside the Milwaukee office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to protest President Trump’s Executive Order regarding the indefinite imprisonment of families in internment camps and to call for the abolition of ICE. “Right now, my family is suffering from the detention of my brother-in-law and nephew as they were coming to the United States,” Ondina Andino, a US Citizen from Honduras whose brother-in-law José Cornejo-Lopez and nephew Wueili Josue Cornejo Perez are being held in separate internment camps in Arizona. “They were arrested and separated over a...

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Wisconsin National Guard to participate in Federal actions to separate families at Mexican border

On June 18, the Wisconsin National Guard announced they had deployed troops to the US-Mexico border, in accordance with Governor Scott Walker’s April declaration to support a request by President Trump. The action comes as nationwide outcry grows against the Trump Administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border. Massachusetts Republican Governor Charlie Baker cancelled his decision to send National Guard troops to the border because of Trump’s directive. The United Nations Human Rights Council recently called the Republican policy “government sanctioned child abuse.” The inhumane strategy creates toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) for...

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Democratic National Committee selects Milwaukee as finalist to host 2020 Convention

The Milwaukee 2020 DNC Convention committee formally submitted its bid for the city of Milwaukee to host the 2020 Democratic National Convention on July 18 and was named as a finalist less than two days later. The DNC convention will be held in 2020 from July 13 to 16. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) named four finalists for the location of the 2020 Convention: Milwaukee, Denver, Houston and Miami Beach. Immediately after the DNC’s announcement, Denver withdrew their bid due to scheduling conflicts. In a statement reacting to the selection, lex Lasry, Chairman of the Milwaukee 2020 DNC Convention...

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