Author: Editor

A map to food and drinks along Milwaukee’s Streetcar route

Milwaukee Food & City Tours compiled a list of 50 restaurants and bars within 2 blocks along The Hop Streetcar route of 18 stations to feature the vibrancy of downtown. The most obvious stops along the 2.1 mile loop for food has been the Milwaukee Public Market, and the Metro Market grocery store. But for passengers arriving in the city via the Intermodal Station, knowing what the options are enhances the experience of their visit. This map was produced from public information for Streetcar riders, whether they be guests to the area or local residents, to aid in the...

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Veterans Day Parade 2018 honors Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Division for its WWI service

The 55th Annual Day of Honor and Parade was observed this year on November 10, and took place on the Centennial anniversary of the end of Great War that devastated the many nations from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. Known and celebrated in other countries as Armistice Day, America’s Veterans Day originally marked the end of World War I, and was formally enacted in 1954 to remember all those who served in the nation’s military. The Red Arrow Club of Milwaukee represented the Grand Marshal for the 2018 parade. Given the “Red Arrow” nickname for its tenacity...

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Autonomous drone exhibit takes flight thanks to ingenuity of local aerospace company and students

On October 27, Discovery World flipped a switch to “Power On!” its new $2 million exhibit, transforming an underused space into a new education center to meet the growing demands of its public mission. Joel Brennan, President and CEO of Discovery World, and Kevin Fletcher, President WEC Energy Group welcomed students to the new exhibit, that will allow students and families to touch lightning, explore wind turbines, experiment with gravitational potential energy, and encounter amazing energy transformations. Presented by the We Energies Foundation, “Power On!” provides a unique experience for school groups. It engages them directly with science experiments...

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Downtown voters ride The Hop to cast ballots in midterm election

The City of Milwaukee experienced a higher than average turn-out for early voting leading up to the midterm elections. When the polls opened at 7:00 a.m. on November 6, many registered voters used the new Streetcar system to get to downtown polling centers. The entire House of Representatives and a third of the U.S. Senate was on the ballot, along with statewide and local elections. City of Milwaukee officials reported nearly 37,000 voters cast early ballots, which is a 140% increase from the last midterm election in 2014. “We’ve seen really significant voting numbers prior to the election. That...

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From rendering to reality: Milwaukee’s Streetcar is officially a thing

After six decades, Streetcars are again apart of Milwaukee’s transit system and landscape scenery, when Mayor Tom Barrett, city leaders, and community stakeholders cut the ceremonial ribbon interwoven with hops – used for brewing beer – to officially launch passenger service on November 2 at 12:55 p.m. No longer a computer rendering, the future of Milwaukee moved into a live reality. Hundreds of area residents crowded Cathedral Square Park to watch the historic start of The Hop at the “Grand Hop-ening” celebration, and to be among the first to ride the city’s modern Streetcar vehicles. “My son is 31,...

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Mayor Tom Barrett previews the M-Line Streetcar route with first passenger ride

Members of the media and city officials joined Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett on October 29 for his first ride onboard the city’s new streetcar, The Hop, for a 45-minute loop of the M-Line before it officially beings passenger service on November 2. While the streetcar vehicles have been testing over the past few months, Federal guidelines have prevented anyone not involved with the driving or maintenance to be ride them. So the special preview ride was the first time that even Mayor Barrett had to experience the city’s newest transportation system. “When the Streetcar starts on Friday, the Mayor...

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