Author: Editor

A Home is Hope: Milwaukee Habitat begins Harambee project to build affordable housing for more families

The first walls were raised on an affordable homeownership initiative at 3455 N. 3rd Street in the Harambee neighborhood on April 7, ushering in a new phase of community development for the area over the next several years. Mayor Tom Barrett, CEO of Bader Philanthropies Dan Bader, and City Development Commissioner Lafayette Crump joined Milwaukee Habitat Executive Director Brian Sonderman to kick off the initiative during a press conference at the work site where one of three new homes were actively under construction. The milestone event concluded with a ceremonial wall raising, and a signing of well wishes on...

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Milwaukee Independent recognized for excellence in visual journalism as finalist for 10 Press Club awards

The Milwaukee Press Club announced the list of finalists for its 91st Annual Gridiron Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism, covering an unusual news year of the pandemic, social unrest, and political turmoil. Milwaukee Independent was selected for 10 features. The journalism honors follow the third year in a row of double digit recognition for the daily news magazine, in competition against all major media outlets in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin. Competition was more notable this year as traditional broadcast media organizations partnered to combine resources, and used online platforms to offset the pandemic’s impact. Founded in 1885, the...

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