On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church building, located at 1046 North 9th Street in downtown Milwaukee, caught fire and burned. Many watched as the roof collapsed and flames licked the window sills and gables while the Milwaukee Fire Department worked hard to extinguish the flames.
On the morning of Wednesday, May 16, 2018 some of our parish leaders were able to tour the sanctuary and identify items for salvage. A great deal of damage was done to the historic interior and the members of Trinity were heartbroken, but not without hope.
Pierce Engineers Inc. (PE), visited our facility on May 30 to inspect the existing structure and determine the condition of the existing masonry walls. We met with our engineers on Friday, June 1, and learned the existing walls and gables, upon providing temporary shoring and bracing, are stable and appear to be in satisfactory condition for reconstruction without needing any demolition.
We have retained Triad Construction, Inc. to stabilize the walls and put a roof on the building so salvage of the sanctuary interior can begin. Our intent is to rebuild so that the Gospel of Christ crucified for the sin of mankind can continue to be proclaimed for many generations to come.
We are thankful for the provision of God, our Father, as we continue to gather as a faithful community of believers to receive the promise of forgiveness, grace, mercy and peace. We gather and know the peace only Christ can give and are joyful.
We are thankful for the Milwaukee community as you have been generous, gracious, loving and kind.
We are thankful to the administration of the Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) who have provided us with a temporary place to worship while we seek a more ‘temporary permanent’ location. We are thankful for the different churches who have offered us a place of refuge while we rebuild. We are thankful for the kind words and letters we have received from people all over the world.
Rev. Jonah P. Burakowski
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod