The immigrant youth-led organization, United We Dream, created these Deportation Defense Cards, so that individuals would know their rights if approached by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. The nonpartisan network also offers a hotline to report ICE activity.
How to Use Your Card
Be sure to save the card to your phone to have handy in case you need it. Share it with anybody who you think might need it. Call the hotline to report ICE activity in your community.
If you witnessed ICE activity in your community
Report them to our hotline ASAP. Call 1-844-363-1423 and share this information to protect your community from detention and deportation.
Make reports on MigraMap
Latino Rebels launched the first ever Map pin pointing ICE raids and activity across the country.
The right to remain silent
If you are arrested, you have the right not to answer the questions of law enforcement officials. Do not lie. Do not say anything except “I need to speak with my attorney.”
If you are arrested… DON’T
- Don’t reveal to the agents or to the government anything about your immigration status
- Don’t lie
- Don’t give the officials false documents
- Don’t turn in documentation from another country (if you do, the government can use this information in order to deport you)
- Don’t sign any documents without talking with an attorney
If you are arrested… DO
- Find out who arrested you
- Speak with an attorney or with someone who can give you legal advice
- Speak with your consulate
- Ask for bail
What happens if the police or immigration comes to your workplace?
Immigration officials should have a search warrant signed by a judge or the authorization of the employer in order to enter your workplace. If you work on public property, the officials do not need the warrant. Stay calm. Do not try to run or flee because this may be interpreted as an admission of guilt or that you have something to hide.
What happens if the police or immigration officials detain you on the street or in a public place?
If an immigration official detains you on the street without authorization, he cannot arrest you unless he has proof that you are not a citizen. Do not reveal to Immigration either your immigration status or where you were born. Also, do not carry any documentation from your home country.