To provide faster and more efficient service on Capitol Drive, Route 62 and the RedLine, both of which serve Capitol Drive, will be seeing significant changes.
Starting Sunday, December 3, the Route 62 will fully merge with the RedLine. While some Route 62 stops will be discontinued, most will be served by the improved RedLine.
We’ve made this change with our riders in mind. This merge means more consistent arrival times all day, faster ride times that speed up your trip, improved access, more connections on Capitol Drive, and an easier-to-understand route and schedule.
On average, RedLine buses will run every 11-15 minutes, currently some riders wait more than 20 minutes. With this change, 95% of riders on Capitol Drive will be able to use their same bus stop; only 5% of riders will need to walk an average of 1-2 blocks to reach a RedLine bus stop. We’ll serve all current RedLine stops plus several new ones.
This change is part of a number of improvements and adjustments taking place on Sunday, December 3rd. Most of the changes are minimal schedule updates we do four times a year to reflect the changing seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) but some of the changes are more significant, including adding service to heavily used routes.
Additional routes with Routes with minor schedule changes: 6, 12, 17, 19, 23, 27, 30-30X, 31, 33, 52, 53, 57, 79, 80, 85, 223, BlueLine, GreenLine, PurpleLine & RR1-3. Most of the changes are minimal schedule updates we do four times a year to reflect the changing seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) but some of the changes are more significant, including adding service to heavily used routes. Further details and new route schedules can be found on the Ride MCTS website.
Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS)
Lee Matz