The Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center today issued a request on March 25 for new, unused Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to assist first responders, health care providers and health care facilities responding to COVID-19.
Needed supplies include: N95 masks, dust or surgical masks, safety glasses, protective gowns or suits, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes or sprays and disposable medical gloves.
“We are calling on our community to donate supplies that will help ensure that we can protect our frontline workers and serve our most vulnerable residents,” said Dr. Ben Weston, Director of Medical Services for the Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management. “These additional supplies will be critical in our efforts to safeguard our neighbors during this crisis.”
The Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center, which coordinates community response to the COVID-19 pandemic, is made up of public health, emergency management, communication and operations staff from Milwaukee County and its 19 municipalities.
PPE donations can be made in the parking lot at the Tommy G. Thompson Youth Center, 640 S 84th Street. Drop-offs will be accepted at Gate 5 located off of 84th Street. The donation site will be open 7 days a week between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.
“While Milwaukee County area health care providers and first responders are saving lives, they should not have to worry about running out of personal protective equipment, getting sick and the impact this could have on their families and their communities,” said Kathleen O’Leary, CEO at Wisconsin State Fair Park. “The Wisconsin State Fair Park is proud to be the drop-off location for any supplies our residents are willing to donate to help stop the spread of COVID-19.”
First responders, hospitals, health departments, police, fire departments and EMS are making considerable efforts to conserve supplies, but the PPE stock is expected to run low in Wisconsin. At this critical time, Milwaukee County is encouraging community organizations, corporations and individuals to donate much-needed medical supplies to help protect workers and patients across their respective systems. Community assistance could help Milwaukee County extend its ability to provide care as local hospitals receive higher numbers of coronavirus patients.
Residents are reminded to continue following the “Safer At Home” Executive Order from Governor Tony Evers, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance for social distancing.
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